Okay, so a while back I hinted at The Big Secret that we have been harboring here at the Back To The Tap Campaign headquarters.....and with that, I have a confession to make:
Growing up, my sister Jean and I were notorious for not keeping a secret. We would pester our father to death for hints regarding our upcoming birthday presents, just so that we could bribe the other siblings with this superior knowledge. Christmas at our house in Midwestern Michigan meant months of climbing into the attic for whatever pre-Christmas sales may have been lurking about; always carefully sealing the gift of whatever child we planned to torment in a quest to obtain the material comforts that guaranteed our survival.

"I know what Santa got you!", we would threaten, which usually resulted in an extra piece of chocolate cake that the curious sibling would timidly offer up, in hopes of discovering what the big hoopla was all about.
So, the fact that I have been harboring this secret for months has made everyone crazy for answers - including the ADPR Global people, our savvy PR firm who has become somewhat demanding in their quest for answers.
Hey, can't a gal keep a secret anymore? Must be that Christmas karma coming back to haunt me.
So, here it is and its absolutely, gushingly delicious. Are you ready?
The Back to the Tap Campaign is pleased to introduce the new ECO bottle within their innovative line of filtered water bottle technologies. The ECO bottle features a very sexy, flip-top straw filter in a long lasting BPA Free, biodegradable translucent container. The safety and convenience of NSF certified drinking water, drawn straight from any commercial or residential tap source, has always made Back To The Tap filtered water bottles the clear winner in both spending a fortune and risking your health over that next Arrowhead bottle.
(Do people still drink those?)
But here's where it gets really good. What makes the ECO bottle unique is that this same carbon device now attaches to a Straw! No more tipping your head back to drink from your reusable container while taking your eyes off the road just to take a swig. Just think, those seconds gained could mean everything in that next bikers marathon. And, with your new savvy Filtered tap water System, you vehicle drivers will have more time to stare in the rearview mirror to yell at your kids. The cool looking straw, (okay so its a platinum based medical tubing which repels bacteria, but call it what you will) tucks ever-so-neatly under its own little round hood to prevent leaking when not in use. Just fill at any water fountain, bathroom sink, or McDonalds, (get an egg mcMuffin to go with it and you won't get a dirty look on your way out)
We gotta warn you however, your ECO bottle will be the envy of every kid in your car pool so you may just command some really interesting new respect, since this safety feature just happens to be encased within a sleek looking sports bottle, that will appeal to every generation. However what is even more promising about this product is the positive impact that can be had on our growing landfills from a plastic container that will biodegrade within a year’s time!
Yeah, thats right, The Back To The Tap Campaign is prepared to make a a dent in that absurd Great Pacific Plastic Garbage Patch that, for some reason, everyone likes to compare to the state of Texas. However, the stunning impact of two times the size of that state is pretty mind boggling for those of us who have traveled wearily through that vast, dusty land - UHaul in tow - eagerly seeking the next new frontier which would lead us straight into the right careers, husbands, and perfect life. That is if the truck did'nt break down in the middle of nowhere and you could successfully find a clean outhouse, while searching for your cat who just came too from the travel tranquilers, and decided to bolt into the nearest oil well.
Might take us a few trillion of these babies to get there, but remember our humble claim: One Bottle at a Time.
And as Obama says: Gotta start somewhere.....(or something like that).
So the question remains: Are you in or are you out? Take the plunge and get your ECO Bottle now. Better yet, invest in one for each of those darling children and you never have to pull over for one of those disposable numbers again. My suggestion is to put the money towards that new racing bike and keep your competition guessing, as you covertly keep your eyes on the road.
See, Secrets can be Good!!!!!
Bottles and filters can be ordered online at www.backtothetap.com. The company donates $1 for every bottle sold to the programs of Earth Share, supporting environmental and conservation organizations and efforts.
"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."~ Barack Obama