Friday, November 5, 2010


Okay, by now - as everyone who is Anyone should know....its simply uncool to be toting around a plastic water bottle. Why? Because a monstrous ocean garbage patch at least 2 times the size of Texas is creating a tug of war with our once-beautiful planet to see how many fish and wildlife can be strangled by tiny pieces of plastic. And that my friends, along with the known health hazards that are caused by inhaling your water through dangerous toxic membranes of plastic should represent all the facts you need right now, to start changing this 'very nineties' mindset.

You can begin by purchasing a Back To The Tap Purification System. For just 30 bucks this stainless steel bottle with micro-filtration capable of eliminating 99.9% of all pollutants and contaminants will last you up to a year! Add an advanced replacement filter which includes the same technology of this highly advanced micro-system at just another 15 bucks, and you're already saving literally thousands of dollars and bottles from further contaminating our landfills and water resources. Plus, the next time you outdoor sports enthusiasts find yourself in areas where a water tap isn't readily handy - you can fill this baby from the nearest river or creek bed and be the envy of all your thirsty fellow hiker/biker pals. Note: We cannot be responsible for physical damages that may occur while defending yourself from any attempts to steal your Back To The Tap bottle. You're on your own from here.....

Keep in mind however, WHEN the next emergency disaster inevitably occurs, your Back To The Tap Purification System will be the most important commodity ever. Buy them now at a volume and flip em for 65.00 later.....
(Hey, I did'nt get nominated as Entrepreneur of the Year for nothing)

And has anyone noticed that the airport gift shops are getting 5 bucks for a liter of Dasani these days? I bring my Purification System right on the plane, and fill up at the bathroom tap. (My mile high club days just might be over in which case this particular airplane bathroom episode would represent my next best luxury) Speaking of which....we have children in other countries who would love the luxury of turning on a tap for their drinking water. You can help by simply making a Back To The Tap purchase. We'll figure out the rest.

Thank you for Healing The Planet One Bottle At A Time!

Thursday, April 8, 2010



JUNE 24,1933-March 30,2010

It was September 1998, and I was jubilant to be making my way across the desert for the last time, having found a way to escape from Las Vegas to beautiful Carlsbad, CA, with both U-Haul and an adventurous golden retriever - Simon Peter- in tow.

Ed Gomeau was recommended to me as a bookkeeper for a small business that I was forming in the San Diego area called: Interiors By Faith. He burst into my office in full military uniform on that first day, and thus began what would evolve into an 11 year business/friendship alliance.

Twice a month, Ed would find comfort in the routine of the computer in my home office, while Simon-Peter nestled happily at his feet. He was the father I lost at twenty years old, and I learned to view him with the same exasperation and fondness I had always reserved for my own dad. As the business grew he methodically kept me on track, grudgingly insisting that his job was to simply “keep me out of jail.” At tax time, as I was typically formulating yet another creative venture, Ed would routinely parade up and down my desk like an officer of the marines, to lecture me on the benefits of long-term financial securities.

Ed never missed a beat when it came to finding every penny for the business, and - as if to confirm his respect for the slipping values of today's currency - held a certain penchant for old coins. For every penny he found on the floor, he would pick it up and scratch the year for the date, urging me to keep it for leaner times. Later, when he assumed bookkeeping services for my husband Bo, he continued to faithfully keep up with every detail of our home businesses. He enjoyed played Santa Claus at Christmas, and once a month, after the grueling query of the months financial records would finally end, Ed would relax with a cup of coffee while he and Bo discussed the latest news and events over raised eyebrows for my next enthusiastic scheme.

When Simon-Peter passed away, Ed was crushed, and I let him know that of course, Simon would one day be his escort into heaven. He kept a photo of Simon on his desk at home to remind him of that promise.

On March 30th, my new bookkeeper, Cheryl, began her first day at Interiors By Faith.

It was no coincidence that Cheryl’s first days of work, marked the day America lost a great man.....Edward John Gomeau. He loved his family, his wife, his children, his grandchildren, his many friends, his Catholicism, America, and all things furry and four-legged. Though he did'nt always understand my entrepreneurial instincts, Ed supported me on every cause, buying copies of my published book, Popcorn Poppin on the Apricot Tree, and Back To The Tap filtered water bottles for every member of the family.

While consolidating Ed’s precise ledgers that day, I asked Cheryl to hand me my purse and an old penny dropped out. Cheryl, herself a long times coins collector, suggested I scratch off the date. She added that the oldest penny in her collection was from 1933. We held it up to the light of the window, and rubbed off the year: 1920. It’s a 'Penny from Heaven' I whispered to Cheryl as I handed it to her for her collection. I was sure that in this unspoken gesture, that the proverbial Torch was being passed from one coin-collector Bookkeeper to the next – and more importantly, after years of scrutinizing appropriate replacements, that Ed finally approved of this bookkeeper-his newest prodigy.

We will miss Ed at every Holiday, at every Padres game, and especially on every April 15th, at Tax Time. And I know in my heart, that Simon-Peter is still nestled at Eds feet while the two of them keep guard on all of us - until the day we will surely meet again.


Author - Popcorn Poppin on the Apricot Tree

Friday, January 15, 2010


As a self-proclaimed 'Michigander" I am proud to say that those old fashioned values of pulling together as a community still exist.

This text is from a county emergency manager out in the western part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan after a severe snow storm.

The Mining Journal, Marquette, MI


Up here in the Northern part of Michigan we just recovered from a Historic event --- may I even say a weather event of Biblical Proportions --- with an historic blizzard of up to 44" inches of snow and winds to 90 MPH that broke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds of motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores of communities and cut power to 10's of thousands.

FEMA did nothing.
No one howled for the government.
No one blamed the government.
No one even uttered an expletive on TV.
Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit.
Our Mayor's did not blame Obama or anyone else.
Our Governor did not blame Obama or anyone else either.
CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX, or NBC did not visit - or even report on this category 5 snow storm.

Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards.
No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.
No one looted.

Nobody - I mean Nobody demanded the government do something.
Nobody expected the government to do anything either.
No Larry King, No Bill O'Rielly, No Oprah, No Chris Mathews and No Geraldo Rivera.
No Shaun Penn, No Barbara Striesand,
No Brad Pitts, No Hollywood types to be found.

Nope, we just melted the snow for water.
Sent out caravans of SUV's to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars.
The truck drivers pulled people out of snow banks and didn't ask for a penny.
Local restaurants made food, and the police and fire departments delivered it to the snow bound families..
Families took in the stranded people - total strangers.

We fired up wood stoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or Coleman lanterns.
We put on an extra layers of clothes because up here it is "Work or Die".
We did not wait for some affirmative action government to get us out of a mess created by being immobilized by a welfare program that trades votes for 'sittin at home' checks.

Even though a Category 5 blizzard of this scale is not usual, we know it can happen and how to deal with it ourselves.

I hope this gets passed on.
Maybe .....
SOME people will get the message ......
The world, including the U.S. government, does Not owe you a living.

Thank you for your support in Healing The Planet one bottle at a Time!

Faith Paulus
Founder – Back To The Tap…for a Healthier Planet

President – Interiors By Faith

Author of Popcorn Poppin on the Apricot Tree

We believe the lack of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities are the root causes of hunger, disease and poverty throughout the developing world.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


By now, everyone has probably at least heard about the New York Times 6 page report, and its candid investigation of the Los Angeles Reservoirs - and the mysterious black plastic balls which have been neatly laid to prevent sunlight from reacting with the potential 60,000 cancer-causing chemicals contained within our confused waters. The initial fact that the Joneses were not happy with the cosmetic appeal of this obvious environmental faux paus, covered up the more startling questions that lie beneath that blanket of balls - the quality of our drinking water.
Okay, so this is not fresh news - we KNOW that the same regulations that have been used for the last 35 years are still being utilized for our federal drinking water standards - even though the number of contaminants that we are being exposed to - as well as their known perils - have multiplied tremendously. The National Academy of Sciences, suggests that millions of Americans become sick each year from drinking contaminated water, with maladies from upset stomachs to cancer and birth defects.

But then, why are we continually expecting our government institutions to babysit us? The EPA testing for all of our drinking water is mandated by ONE - we repeat ONE person - to uphold and mandate those regulations. And we simply cannot expect an overnight miracle within our federal and state budgets for improving those current conditions. The fact is that we Americans have become very complacent with our way of doing things - and often refuse to change our habits until its WAY too late.

It's time to stop playing the "victim role" and take responsibility for learning about alternatives for our health, and likewise making pro-active choices for our families.

So, we urge you to 1)take a deep breath, and slowly unleash your grip from that disposable water bottle (easy now...we know you can do it) 2)properly dispose of it in a plastic bin if you can find one in your community, and 3)consider this new resolve for 2010:

Here's the deal. Now, you have a choice of a safer and healthier drinking water Alternative with the new Back To The Tap Purification System. This advanced Filter treats up to 100 gallons from any source except salt water,(even converts river and pool water to safe standards!)and the very sleek, cobalt blue Stainless Steel bottle is curvy, fun, and durable enough that you should do as we encourage....keep it for years, and every 8 months or so, buy an Advanced Replacement Filter that comes complete with the Flip Top that acts as a straw. And this, my friends is how we begin to Heal The Planet one Bottle at a Time.....and while we're at it, we can begin the process of healing our bodies from the damaging affects of toxic chemicals.

The Back To The Tap Purification System offers an Advanced technology filter which eliminates an amazing 99.99% of chemicals, parasites and other biological impurities, including Trichloroethylenem, and arsenic with all the advantages of a long lasting Stainless Steel Bottle.

At just $35.00 for each Back To The Tap™ Purification System, we found a Win-Win Solution for creating an alternative to costly bottled water - while insuring the safest drinking water available in todays portable water systems.

For Emergency Preparation insurance and for Travel to questionable areas, you will want to have a Back To The Tap Purification System available for each member of your family. Makes an attractive and environmentally conscious gift for everyone on your list!

And by the way, to all you Disposable Water Bottle people that have not yet 'seen the light'......The truth is those same black balls would be needed to keep the Bisphenol from leaching into the atmosphere, if someone wanted to 'Foot The Bill' for doing so.

However, do we really need our Martian neighbors turning up their little green noses at our earthly taste as they try to comprehend the blankets of black balls covering our water reservoirs and landfills? I think not....After all, we just back into the good graces of our European friends since (You Know Who) got out of office.....

The Back To The Tap Campaign thanks you in advance for helping us Heal The Planet one bottle at a Time!

Turn your Wounds into Wisdom
~ Oprah Winfrey

That Tap Water is Legal but may be Unhealthy
New York Times
Published December 16th, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see ~ Heb 11:1

I have discovered that a name like Faith - can be viewed either as a Blessing or a Curse….
The Blessing for me is the ability to foresee color, design, trends, and predictions, while communicating these inspiring results to other more down-to-earth personalities that do not always share my quest for eagerly viewing what's over the next horizon.

It was in fact this knowledge that ultimately led me away from the corporate world and into the living rooms of puzzled design-challenged families who have paid me well for the simple task of practicing what I love; weaving vivid colors, shape, dimension, texture, fabric, and interesting furniture into a synchronized and harmonious environment of cohesion and beauty.

By far, my most endearing projects have been found in renovating the homes of Empty Nesters who quite often, have been brought to their knees with the stunning realization that they might just have more money, than time left on their hands, ‘After all, we don’t get to take any of it with us when we leave!’ they proclaim, with a childlike and joyful surrender to their new status quo.

It does'nt take much time after that, for me to hand over a copy of “1000 Places to See Before you Die”, while convincing my newly enthusiastic clientele that paint fumes and other chemicals might best be avoided in a tropical setting, (on their dollar of course since the Extreme Makeover trip to Disneyworld has simply not been observed in the Interiors By Faith budget..) before forging into the home with a team of inspired and creative contractors.

For myself, however, the most satisfaction comes when - rested and broke from both the Remodeling and the costly exotic trip - the moment arrives to view their new environment with a delighted, long lost recognition – a confession it seems, of a reclaimed identity that was somehow misplaced in exchange for family priorities. The absolute pleasure that is derived from finding 'The Soul of a Home' is what keeps me picking up the proverbial “design” paintbrush to help someone rediscover those elements on the canvas of their home.

The Curse of this Visionary gift? The uncanny ability to sense on a more global level, impending trouble on that same horizon of blue sky. Even rubbing my eyes to timidly peer through trembling fingers for a second glance, fails to provide a more optimistic picture of those ominous dark clouds that warn of the dangers of a very real, global water shortage. Which leads me to the compelling truth that initially lured me from those same living rooms to create the Back To The Tap Campaign: We simply must face the facts that someday, in the not-too-distant future, the ability to turn on the tap and continue to have an eternally safe drinking water experience, is as unrealistic as painting clouds on that bedroom ceiling (way too eighties)

The World Health Organization says that at any time, up to half of humanity has one of the six main diseases -- diarrhea, schistosomiasis, or trachoma, or infestation with ascaris, guinea worm, or hookworm -- associated with poor drinking water and inadequate sanitation. About 5 million people die each year from poor drinking water, poor sanitation, or a dirty home environment.

And, according to the California Department of Water Resources, if more supplies aren’t found by 2020, the region will face a shortfall nearly as great as the amount that all of its cities and towns are currently consuming.

Atlanta is nearing a very real crises with the recurring drought of Lake Lanier, as the city desperately attempts to provide enough water for the city to meet a federal judge's 2012 deadline.

And, at any given time, says, half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from a water-related disease.

The Back To The Tap Campaign allows you to contribute to these efforts - with our newly developed Back To The Tap Purification System. Our most Advanced technology filter has been found to eliminate an amazing 99.99% if chemicals, parasites and other biological impurities, with all the advantages of a long lasting Stainless Steel Bottle.

Changing the mindset of a perpetual safe drinking water supply is an individual behavior~and we would like to help by contributing 1.00 for every System sold to Earth Share on your behalf. In addition, your purchases assist us in our goal to provide a Back To The Tap Purification System, to those children in the world, who are comprise the most startling statistic of all; Every 15 seconds a child is dying from a water related disease.

So, lets pick up that proverbial global paintbrush to view the realities of our hurting Earth. She needs our collective visions in preventing the continual depletion of Her generous and nurturing resources, so that developing countries can share in Her vision of abundance - rather than the curse of Her neglect.

Thank you for your support in Healing The Planet one bottle at a Time!

Faith Paulus
Founder – Back To The Tap…for a Healthier Planet

President – Interiors By Faith

Author of Popcorn Poppin on the Apricot Tree

We believe the lack of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities are the root causes of hunger, disease and poverty throughout the developing world.

Heb 11:1 Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. by Katrina †.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


On the way to the kitchen sink this morning to fill my very convenient, very affordable, makes all the sense - Back To The Tap Filtered water bottle, I found a beautiful hummingbird, hovering just under the ceiling.  Perhaps he had managed to be lured by the colorful new shoots of the sweetpeas I had planted in my windowboxes - or as I prefer to imagine - he was lured by a powerful mystical instinct. An omen if you will.  
Healing The Planet one Bottle at a Time can sometimes seem like an overwhelming challenge.  I mean, sometimes I think my husband Bo, would much prefer that I were satisfied with a lazy Sunday afternoon spent painting our front porch, while he basks happily on the couch watching a Chargers game.  In his fantasies, I would be dressed in red lingerie, every hair in place,  hovering over him like that hummingbird, while serving up steaming bowls of chili and cornbread.   

But alas, I am a woman with a mission bigger than myself, and in a world where we can get easily discouraged by the enormous amount of planetary work to be done - I'll take an omen and run with it anytime.  
So, in honor of the beautiful, fragile hummingbird that has since found his escape out the kitchen window and back into the green folds of nature - I bestow you with these findings from none other than our Native American Indians.  You know, the FIRST environmentalists, the ones that always had it together with our land, before greed overtook common sense:
In many traditional cultures of the western world the hummingbird has powerful religious and spiritual significance. In the high Andes of South America, for example, the hummingbird is taken to be a symbol of resurrection. This is because each hummer becomes lifeless and seems to die on cold nights, but it comes back to life again when the miraculous sunrise brings warmth.

In MEDICINE CARDS: THE DISCOVERY OF POWER THROUGH THE WAYS OF ANIMALS, Jamie Sams and David Carson say that, for many people, the hummingbird is the creature that opens the heart.
When we assume hummingbird consciousness, our life becomes a wonderland of sensuous delights. We live for beauty, delighting in flowers, aromas, fine mist, and delicate tastes.

When it becomes our totem, the hummingbird teaches us to laugh and enjoy the creation, to appreciate the magic of being alive, and the truth of beauty.

Hummingbirds awaken us to the beauty of the present moment. As they dance the four quarters of embodied exisence, they bring us medicine to solve the riddle of duality. They also awaken us to the medicinal properties of plants. 

In ANIMAL SPEAK, Ted Andrews says hummingbirds teach us how to draw the life essence from flowers. "They can teach us how to use flowers to heal and win hearts in love." 

Hummingbirds teach us fierce independence. They teach us to fight in a way where no one really gets hurt. They teach us simple courage. Andrews says the twittering, vibrating sounds of the hummingbirds bring us an internal massage that restores health and balance.

Hummingbirds also inspire us to protect the environment and to preserve old traditions that are in danger of being lost. When Native American ways were being destroyed by the expanding Euro-American culture, the Ghost-Shirt religion was established to try to bring back the animals and old ways through dancing. The leader of the dance was a hummingbird.

Certainly hummingbird magic is available to all who live in the New World. There is something inside the soul of all of us that wants to soar through sunbeams, then dance midair in a delicate mist, then take a simple bath on a leaf. 

There is something in our souls that wants to hover at beautiful moments in our lives, making them freeze in time. There is something in us that wants to fly backwards and savor once more the beautiful past.
My final conclusion?   Hummingbirds may just have more wisdom about what's really go on than we know...

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Okay, so a while back I hinted at The Big Secret that we have been harboring here at the Back To The Tap Campaign headquarters.....and with that, I have a confession to make:
Growing up, my sister Jean and I were notorious for not keeping a secret. We would pester our father to death for hints regarding our upcoming birthday presents, just so that we could bribe the other siblings with this superior knowledge. Christmas at our house in Midwestern Michigan meant months of climbing into the attic for whatever pre-Christmas sales may have been lurking about; always carefully sealing the gift of whatever child we planned to torment in a quest to obtain the material comforts that guaranteed our survival.

"I know what Santa got you!", we would threaten, which usually resulted in an extra piece of chocolate cake that the curious sibling would timidly offer up, in hopes of discovering what the big hoopla was all about.

So, the fact that I have been harboring this secret for months has made everyone crazy for answers - including the ADPR Global people, our savvy PR firm who has become somewhat demanding in their quest for answers.
Hey, can't a gal keep a secret anymore? Must be that Christmas karma coming back to haunt me.

So, here it is and its absolutely, gushingly delicious. Are you ready?
The Back to the Tap Campaign is pleased to introduce the new ECO bottle within their innovative line of filtered water bottle technologies. The ECO bottle features a very sexy, flip-top straw filter in a long lasting BPA Free, biodegradable translucent container. The safety and convenience of NSF certified drinking water, drawn straight from any commercial or residential tap source, has always made Back To The Tap filtered water bottles the clear winner in both spending a fortune and risking your health over that next Arrowhead bottle.
(Do people still drink those?)

But here's where it gets really good. What makes the ECO bottle unique is that this same carbon device now attaches to a Straw! No more tipping your head back to drink from your reusable container while taking your eyes off the road just to take a swig. Just think, those seconds gained could mean everything in that next bikers marathon. And, with your new savvy Filtered tap water System, you vehicle drivers will have more time to stare in the rearview mirror to yell at your kids. The cool looking straw, (okay so its a platinum based medical tubing which repels bacteria, but call it what you will) tucks ever-so-neatly under its own little round hood to prevent leaking when not in use. Just fill at any water fountain, bathroom sink, or McDonalds, (get an egg mcMuffin to go with it and you won't get a dirty look on your way out)

We gotta warn you however, your ECO bottle will be the envy of every kid in your car pool so you may just command some really interesting new respect, since this safety feature just happens to be encased within a sleek looking sports bottle, that will appeal to every generation. However what is even more promising about this product is the positive impact that can be had on our growing landfills from a plastic container that will biodegrade within a year’s time!

Yeah, thats right, The Back To The Tap Campaign is prepared to make a a dent in that absurd Great Pacific Plastic Garbage Patch that, for some reason, everyone likes to compare to the state of Texas. However, the stunning impact of two times the size of that state is pretty mind boggling for those of us who have traveled wearily through that vast, dusty land - UHaul in tow - eagerly seeking the next new frontier which would lead us straight into the right careers, husbands, and perfect life. That is if the truck did'nt break down in the middle of nowhere and you could successfully find a clean outhouse, while searching for your cat who just came too from the travel tranquilers, and decided to bolt into the nearest oil well.

Might take us a few trillion of these babies to get there, but remember our humble claim: One Bottle at a Time.
And as Obama says: Gotta start somewhere.....(or something like that).

So the question remains: Are you in or are you out? Take the plunge and get your ECO Bottle now. Better yet, invest in one for each of those darling children and you never have to pull over for one of those disposable numbers again. My suggestion is to put the money towards that new racing bike and keep your competition guessing, as you covertly keep your eyes on the road.

See, Secrets can be Good!!!!!

Bottles and filters can be ordered online at The company donates $1 for every bottle sold to the programs of Earth Share, supporting environmental and conservation organizations and efforts.

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."~ Barack Obama