Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see ~ Heb 11:1
I have discovered that a name like Faith - can be viewed either as a Blessing or a Curse….
The Blessing for me is the ability to foresee color, design, trends, and predictions, while communicating these inspiring results to other more down-to-earth personalities that do not always share my quest for eagerly viewing what's over the next horizon.
It was in fact this knowledge that ultimately led me away from the corporate world and into the living rooms of puzzled design-challenged families who have paid me well for the simple task of practicing what I love; weaving vivid colors, shape, dimension, texture, fabric, and interesting furniture into a synchronized and harmonious environment of cohesion and beauty.
By far, my most endearing projects have been found in renovating the homes of Empty Nesters who quite often, have been brought to their knees with the stunning realization that they might just have more money, than time left on their hands, ‘After all, we don’t get to take any of it with us when we leave!’ they proclaim, with a childlike and joyful surrender to their new status quo.
It does'nt take much time after that, for me to hand over a copy of “1000 Places to See Before you Die”, while convincing my newly enthusiastic clientele that paint fumes and other chemicals might best be avoided in a tropical setting, (on their dollar of course since the Extreme Makeover trip to Disneyworld has simply not been observed in the Interiors By Faith budget..) before forging into the home with a team of inspired and creative contractors.
For myself, however, the most satisfaction comes when - rested and broke from both the Remodeling and the costly exotic trip - the moment arrives to view their new environment with a delighted, long lost recognition – a confession it seems, of a reclaimed identity that was somehow misplaced in exchange for family priorities. The absolute pleasure that is derived from finding 'The Soul of a Home' is what keeps me picking up the proverbial “design” paintbrush to help someone rediscover those elements on the canvas of their home.
The Curse of this Visionary gift? The uncanny ability to sense on a more global level, impending trouble on that same horizon of blue sky. Even rubbing my eyes to timidly peer through trembling fingers for a second glance, fails to provide a more optimistic picture of those ominous dark clouds that warn of the dangers of a very real, global water shortage. Which leads me to the compelling truth that initially lured me from those same living rooms to create the Back To The Tap Campaign: We simply must face the facts that someday, in the not-too-distant future, the ability to turn on the tap and continue to have an eternally safe drinking water experience, is as unrealistic as painting clouds on that bedroom ceiling (way too eighties)
The World Health Organization says that at any time, up to half of humanity has one of the six main diseases -- diarrhea, schistosomiasis, or trachoma, or infestation with ascaris, guinea worm, or hookworm -- associated with poor drinking water and inadequate sanitation. About 5 million people die each year from poor drinking water, poor sanitation, or a dirty home environment.
And, according to the California Department of Water Resources, if more supplies aren’t found by 2020, the region will face a shortfall nearly as great as the amount that all of its cities and towns are currently consuming.
Atlanta is nearing a very real crises with the recurring drought of Lake Lanier, as the city desperately attempts to provide enough water for the city to meet a federal judge's 2012 deadline.
And, at any given time, says water.org, half of the world’s hospital beds are occupied by patients suffering from a water-related disease.
The Back To The Tap Campaign allows you to contribute to these efforts - with our newly developed Back To The Tap Purification System. Our most Advanced technology filter has been found to eliminate an amazing 99.99% if chemicals, parasites and other biological impurities, with all the advantages of a long lasting Stainless Steel Bottle.
Changing the mindset of a perpetual safe drinking water supply is an individual behavior~and we would like to help by contributing 1.00 for every System sold to Earth Share on your behalf. In addition, your purchases assist us in our goal to provide a Back To The Tap Purification System, to those children in the world, who are comprise the most startling statistic of all; Every 15 seconds a child is dying from a water related disease.
So, lets pick up that proverbial global paintbrush to view the realities of our hurting Earth. She needs our collective visions in preventing the continual depletion of Her generous and nurturing resources, so that developing countries can share in Her vision of abundance - rather than the curse of Her neglect.
Thank you for your support in Healing The Planet one bottle at a Time!
Faith Paulus
Founder – Back To The Tap…for a Healthier Planet
President – Interiors By Faith www.interiorsbyfaith.com
Author of Popcorn Poppin on the Apricot Tree
We believe the lack of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities are the root causes of hunger, disease and poverty throughout the developing world.