By now, everyone has probably at least heard about the New York Times 6 page report, and its candid investigation of the Los Angeles Reservoirs - and the mysterious black plastic balls which have been neatly laid to prevent sunlight from reacting with the potential 60,000 cancer-causing chemicals contained within our confused waters. The initial fact that the Joneses were not happy with the cosmetic appeal of this obvious environmental faux paus, covered up the more startling questions that lie beneath that blanket of balls - the quality of our drinking water.
Okay, so this is not fresh news - we KNOW that the same regulations that have been used for the last 35 years are still being utilized for our federal drinking water standards - even though the number of contaminants that we are being exposed to - as well as their known perils - have multiplied tremendously. The National Academy of Sciences, suggests that millions of Americans become sick each year from drinking contaminated water, with maladies from upset stomachs to cancer and birth defects.
But then, why are we continually expecting our government institutions to babysit us? The EPA testing for all of our drinking water is mandated by ONE - we repeat ONE person - to uphold and mandate those regulations. And we simply cannot expect an overnight miracle within our federal and state budgets for improving those current conditions. The fact is that we Americans have become very complacent with our way of doing things - and often refuse to change our habits until its WAY too late.
It's time to stop playing the "victim role" and take responsibility for learning about alternatives for our health, and likewise making pro-active choices for our families.
So, we urge you to 1)take a deep breath, and slowly unleash your grip from that disposable water bottle (easy now...we know you can do it) 2)properly dispose of it in a plastic bin if you can find one in your community, and 3)consider this new resolve for 2010:
Here's the deal. Now, you have a choice of a safer and healthier drinking water Alternative with the new Back To The Tap Purification System. This advanced Filter treats up to 100 gallons from any source except salt water,(even converts river and pool water to safe standards!)and the very sleek, cobalt blue Stainless Steel bottle is curvy, fun, and durable enough that you should do as we encourage....keep it for years, and every 8 months or so, buy an Advanced Replacement Filter that comes complete with the Flip Top that acts as a straw. And this, my friends is how we begin to Heal The Planet one Bottle at a Time.....and while we're at it, we can begin the process of healing our bodies from the damaging affects of toxic chemicals.
The Back To The Tap Purification System offers an Advanced technology filter which eliminates an amazing 99.99% of chemicals, parasites and other biological impurities, including Trichloroethylenem, and arsenic with all the advantages of a long lasting Stainless Steel Bottle.
At just $35.00 for each Back To The Tap™ Purification System, we found a Win-Win Solution for creating an alternative to costly bottled water - while insuring the safest drinking water available in todays portable water systems.
SEE OUR COMPOSITE TEST RESULTS http://www.backtothetap.com/compositeresults.htm
For Emergency Preparation insurance and for Travel to questionable areas, you will want to have a Back To The Tap Purification System available for each member of your family. Makes an attractive and environmentally conscious gift for everyone on your list!
And by the way, to all you Disposable Water Bottle people that have not yet 'seen the light'......The truth is those same black balls would be needed to keep the Bisphenol from leaching into the atmosphere, if someone wanted to 'Foot The Bill' for doing so.
However, do we really need our Martian neighbors turning up their little green noses at our earthly taste as they try to comprehend the blankets of black balls covering our water reservoirs and landfills? I think not....After all, we just back into the good graces of our European friends since (You Know Who) got out of office.....
The Back To The Tap Campaign thanks you in advance for helping us Heal The Planet one bottle at a Time!
Turn your Wounds into Wisdom
~ Oprah Winfrey
That Tap Water is Legal but may be Unhealthy
New York Times
Published December 16th, 2009
That Tap Water is Legal but may be Unhealthy
New York Times
Published December 16th, 2009
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