Which means, while we are busy taking cover and peering out from under our proverbial wet blankets of the current marketplace , to witness yet another utility hike or tax increase, we can celebrate the fact that in this country at least, we still have access to an enormous capacity of clean tap water. And that my friends, is one of the few predictable resources that we can expect to arrive, on time and every time~we turn on our faucets.
Can I say the same for every man that ever made me a promise within my forty-something years of being single? Not so much.....
Think about it ~ every time we invest in a Back To The Tap bottle, we are also investing in our country's future, our ability to stop the alarming effects that BPA has conveniently planted in our bloodstreams, and our own dwindling dollars. Okay, I got ya, 15 or 20 bucks seems like a leap from the average 1.50 that you keep slapping on the counter of the 7/11 but a buck fifty times 6 thirsty family members equals 9.00. Do that a couple times a day and you got the picture.
Why not buy each member a Back To The Tap bottle and allow your children to see the benefit of not being a throwaway society? The fact that each filter will last 3 to four months, offers the same advantages of investing in groceries, with the long term reward of saving huge dollars from not eating out. Plus, its awesome not to have to break away from the soccer game to make that disposable water bottle call. Instead, head for the drinking fountain or the bathroom at the park, refill your bottle, and you're good to go! Even your two year old will get it.....
Heck, that generation will probably be looking back at this water bottle craze the way we analyzed the bad hair of the fifties.
Kudos to Project Kaisei and founder Doug Woodring who will set sail this week united with our own beloved Scripps Institution of Oceanography for a month long voyage to study the harmful effects of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This ' invisible to the eye' plastic vortex, two times the size of Texas which is killing our fish, birds, and sea turtles, floats about 1000 miles off the coast of California. The water-borne landfill is made up largely of those throw away plastic water bottles that houses that temporary thirst quencher that somehow never makes it back to your best recycling efforts at home. Trust me, the large bottling companies are banking on the fact that you need to buy a couple of these plastic puppies throughout your day. (You can comfortably blame this selective memory lapse to the subliminal marketing persuasion that has needled your subconscious millions of times throughout your lifespan to insure that you can conveniently forget you're bound to be thirsty when you leave home.)
It works like this: that same 7/11 Dasani bottle, when tossed on one of our beautiful San Diego beaches, drifts away for about 6 years, before getting caught in the gyre of the patch, never degrading completely, thus creating tantalizing faux pellets of food for our unsuspecting marine wildlife.
That two year old deserves to marvel at the pelicans and sea turtles in the coming century.
Send your generous contributions by check to:
"Ocean Voyages Institute" c/o Project Kaisei 1709 Bridgeway Sausalito CA 94965, USA
Thanks for Healing The Planet One Bottle at a Time!
Faith Paulus Founder - Back To The Tap....for a Healthier Planet http://www.backtothetap.com/
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
- Mahatma Gandhi
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